The broadcast feature has been alright, but having the ability for Advisors that don't have management access to send out "broadcasts" to a small group of people such as Parts Counter employees letting the 15 customers that had a special order part arrive by manually typing the phone numbers into a pre-made text "templet" and hitting send then letting expert connect open the individual tickets with each customer if they respond instead of manually opening 15 tickets and typing in the same message over and over. As it is right now each customer has to have a customer profile in Expert Connect already in order to send any "Broadcasts" out. Manually entering customers names and phone numbers into Expert Connect before sending out the Broadcast is deterring our parts counter people from wanting to use texting to notify customers. Maybe this already exists and I haven't found it. This would be great for delivery drivers: "Good Morning, we are scheduled to pick up your piece of equipment today. Please confirm your machine is set out and ready to be picked up. Thanks" "Thanks for your business, we have delivered your machine back to you today. Feel free to reach out via this text if you have any concerns, or questions." Parts Counter People: "Hello, we are reaching out to let you know that the Special Order Part you have ordered has been received and is ready for you to pick up." Service Road Work: "Good Morning, we are scheduled to work on your piece of equipment today. Please confirm your machine is set out and ready to be worked on. If you have any changes or requests please respond to this text. Thanks"