Reminder for Unassigned Tickets
Des Carroll
This is a must for differentiating with your top 10 clients.
Nicole M
If this could be done by choosing the priority level, so it stays if the ticket needs to be reassigned. The person is able to get a notification.
Be able to set alert to additional team members (work/life balance) that additional tickets are open after 3-5 unassigned tickets have populated so team members with day off don't have to continually watch the app.
Meghan Fisher
Kurt Banwart
Kurt Banwart
Hey everyone - we definitely understand the need to be notified if a ticket is left unassigned for too long. We're excited to let you know you can now set this up using our latest Zapier template.
Zapier is an automation tool that connects with ExpertConnect to streamline your processes. Simply create a Zapier account and then walk through the setup steps on the template.
👉 Get started at
Reach out to us at with any questions - we're happy to help. 😊
Jenny Bergeron
Kurt Banwart Is there a free version of this? To use this specific template it says I need to have a monthly subscription...
Kurt Banwart
Jenny Bergeron - I believe you'd need a paid subscription since the free version only allows 2-steps Zaps. Here's Zapier's pricing info:
If you decide to move forward with Zapier, there are also several other things you can do. Here are some ideas on how other dealers are using Zapier:
You can also set up these automated reminders using Microsoft Power Automate. Power Automate is included for free on most Microsoft 365 plans.
Here's how to get started with Power Automate:
Jenny Bergeron
Kurt Banwart Excellent, thank you!
Kurt Banwart